During my 7th semester in college, I worked on a special way of designing things. Instead of just making assumptions and following a typical design process, we talked to the people and listened to their stories. Then, we tried to evolve those stories better, and we looked for the problems, meaning and emotions they associate while using things. We found that these stories were really helpful for designers to come up with a design intervention by enhancing the experience of the users.

Transforming stories to Design Intervention


4 weeks

My Team

2 members

My Focus

Storytelling I Accessible design I Collecting stories I Design Intervention

Project Type


“My grandma never let me leave home empty handed”


Transforming stories to Design Intervention

Journey of Compassion: Crafting a Thoughtful Integration for Senior Citizens

In an era where technology often overlooks the wisdom of age, our project takes a bold step to embrace the experiences of the elderly. We embarked on a mission to transform the Google Pay app into a harmonious companion for our senior users. As the world races forward, let's pause to consider the invaluable lessons we've learned from the stories of our grandparents

It started with,


Collecting Stories 📃


गप्पा गोष्टी

Story Analysis

Design Intervention

What was the Intial Problem statement ?

How mobile phone technology meaningfully integrates in elderly peoples life

while making a difference

What emotions that they associate while they are using mobile technologies






Senior citizens use their mobile phones for communication and social interaction


Elderly individuals utilize their mobile phones for digital payments, banking, and financial transactions.


Elderly individuals use their mobile phones to access information, services, and news online.

Many of us have shared moments when our grandpas, despite their wisdom, found themselves puzzled by the world of digital payments. Let's embrace their curiosity and guide them through this modern frontier together.

"Let's pay attention to that 70% of users and check if they're truly comfortable with digital transactions."

60% of surveyed elders felt their children lacked time to help them become digitally literate.

Digital divide worsened during the pandemic, as per HelpAge India analysis.

Over 90% of senior citizens expressed a desire to learn:

How to use WhatsApp.

Net banking.

Google Pay / Paytm (mobile payment service).

Booking cabs.

Paying utility bills.

Reference: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/the-digital-divide-worsens-for-seniors/articleshow/77515181.cms

How do they react in such situations,


of senior citizen ignore the transaction


abandon the process


switch providers

Who taught seniors use of digital devices?













चला गप्पा मारुयात 😄

We prepared questionnaire for senior citizens and decided to interview them

But wait did interview really work?

To start with,

We called our first interviewer, to ask whether they were free for an physical interview, and this is how he reacted to it

Mazyakade kasa kaam kadlas?

Kay majhi interview?

Mala nahi kalat tumcya project madla kahi, me ky sangnar tumhala




He became very conscious during the whole interview, and was trying to give his best answers he can. It sounded like he was forcing himself to come up with stories


We wanted him to be natural and listen to his past experiences

This sounded as our first mistake while collecting stories

Since our target audience were senior citizen and they are not really use to such kind of environment, we should’ve recoined the term “INTERVIEW” to something else...

We prepared our questionnaire that included open ended and close ended questions

This change made a huge difference in our further interviews

"We're on our way for a friendly chat with you."

“आम्ही इंटरव्यू घ्यायला येतोय”

“We are coming to take your interview”


गप्पा मारायला


Let’s see how it impacted our conversation

We went to our second interviewer and told them,

Arey wahh! ya ya...

Khup divsani alat

Bara vatata tumchya sarkhe mula ale ki !

This interview went really well and we got to know a lot of great experiences about them and their family. They didn’t hesitated to talk about anything, unconsciously and unknowingly during the conversation we naturally collected their stories..

“ Amhi tumcyashi marayla aloy”

गप्पा मारायेला

We talked to them using casual questions that didn't feel like an interview. It was more like having a friendly chat, and during that talk, we gently guided them to share their stories.

  • Let’s start from Mrs. Shalini,

    Listen to Shalini’s tale

    "Mrs. Shalini missed celebrating her son's success abroad because she couldn't figure out how to answer

    his video call, showing the struggles some face with technology."

    मला जमलंच नाही उचलायला व्हिडिओ कॉल

    जवळ राहिला असता तर प्रत्यक्ष बघु शेकली अस्ती त्यला

    मी राजू ला विच्रला पण त्याल वेळ लागला खुप करायला

    ("I couldn’t make a video call! 🤕")

    ("I couldn’t m("If he had stayed close, I would have able to see him everyday ☺️")

    ("I asked my neighbors Raju but he took a lot of time to do it")

    Joy and Pride








    Tech Challenges Due to Limited Experience

    Emotion Drives Tech Use

    Usability Issues Affect Interaction

    Need for User-Friendly Design

    Understanding Her Tech Journey

    Our Interpretations

    Background and Lifestyle:

    Housewife and now helps his husband in stationary shop

    She is not really interested in mobiles


    Shalini aims to stay in touch with her son in Japan

    Assisting Husband's Shop and contributing actively to the family's business.


    Shalini's limited mobile knowledge affects her video calls with her son in Japan.

    Technology issues cause her to miss precious moments.

    Name- Mrs. Shalini

    Age- 63

    Gender- Female

    Occupation- Stationary supplier

    Mrs. Shalini

  • Listen to Amrutrao’s tale

    Need constant support

    Trying to remember things

    Feeling lost

    Forgetting steps

    Fingers stumbled

    अगं तू मला त्या दिवशी शिकवल, ते सगळं मी विसरलो, लिहिलेला पण मला कळत नव्हत

    ("I forgot everything you taught me the other day, i just couldn't understand ")

    मी लिहून घेतो कस करतात ते

    ("I will write it down how to do it")

    "Teaching grandpa to delete a contact became a fun adventure, showing that the joy is in learning together, not just mastering the task."

    अगं थांब! थोडं हळु हळू सांग मला

    ("Oh wait! Tell me a little bit slowly 🤕")

    याच्या नंतर काय, मी विसरलो

    ("I forgot what i have to do next?")

    Listen to Amrutrao’s tale

    Background and Lifestyle:

    Health issues led Mr. Amrutroa to retire at 50.

    Now, at 72, he lives in Pune with his family.


    Amrutroa's aims to stay in touch with her son in Japan

    Assisting Husband's Shop and contributing actively to the family's business.


    Mr. Amrutroa seeks help for tech tasks due to unfamiliarity.

    Despite aids like a visual map, he finds it challenging to retain tech knowledge.

    Name- Mr. Amrutroa

    Age- 72

    Gender- Male

    Occupation- Resigned and retired at age

    Mr. Amrutroa

    Let’s move forward to Mr. Amrutroa,

  • Throughout our conversation while I was making him understand the features, she remained fully engaged, attentively listening to my questions. She offered answers and shared insights about Azoba's phone usage, providing her own input on the matter.




    But wait... want to hear the quick backstage story? 🫣

    Meet Anvi, 🙋‍♀️

    She is granddaughter of MR. Amrutroa and stays with him

    Throughout our conversation while I was making him understand the features, she remained fully engaged, attentively listening to my questions. She offered answers and shared insights about Azoba's phone usage, providing her own input on the matter.



    WhatsApp तर ते युज़ नाही करत, मीच तुला सारखे फोटोज् पटवते 🤭

    अगं दीदी त्यना नाही आठवत काही

    मी खुप शिकवल पण सारखे विसरतात

    मी त्यना YouTube वर न्यूज लाऊन देते  कधी कधी

    ("Sister, he don't remember anything")

    ("I teach him a lot of things but he tends to forget everything")

    ("Sometimes i help him to play the news channel on youtube")

    When I asked her to click a photo of us in the mid conversation, she was shooting our whole video and telling azoba “ Bagha asa kadtat videos azoba”

    Trial and Error

    Curiosity to learn

    Visual Learning Approach

    Challenges and Laughter

    Inter-generational Bonding

    Guided Learning

    Our Interpretations

    Physical Pen-paper

Background and Lifestyle:

Health issues led Mr. Ramesh to retire at 50.

Now, at 72, he lives in Pune with his family.


Mr. Ramesh is a Collage Stationary Supplier who enjoys a calm and organized lifestyle.

He values simplicity and prefers tasks to be straightforward and easy to manage.


Visual limitations cause font and contact issues on payment apps.

Frequent errors make Mr. Ramesh doubt payment app reliability

Name- Mr. Ramesh

Age- 63

Gender- Male

Occupation- Retired Stationary Supplier

Mr. Ramesh

Meet Mr. Ramesh & his wife Shalini

After retiring from their stationary supply business in Pune, Ramesh and Mrs. Shalini found fulfillment managing a cozy stationery shop in a design college. This keeps them busy, engaged, and allows them to connect with college students they greatly admire.

“Cash nahi ka tumchyakade, baar thike GPay kara”


Living alone with their son in Japan, they've embraced technology for tasks like calls, WhatsApp, and the occasional YouTube video. Yet, they treasure a simple life, focusing on necessary smartphone functions. Their college shop has become a hub for creativity, making their days joyful and inspiring.

Lets listen to Ramesh’s tales

So the main characters of the story here are:

Hero: Ramesh

Villan- GPay





Story line:

Mr. Ramesh struggling with the G-Pay app to make a payment.

Hey! I need your help, I want to send money to Rahul urgently ( Opens the app)

Hey I’m here to help you, but it seems that you are not used to me

Frustrated 😤

Annoyed 😤


Frowning ☹️

Taunting 👻


A strange character called "Google Pay villan"❗ has shown up now , representing the confusing problems that Mr. Ramesh faces with technology.

Ramesh starts to see google pay as his enemy and he really dosent like google pay

Is this app a help or a hinderance?!

Oh, but there's more fun to come

Let’s analyze the Google pay from the lens of Mr. Ramesh

Analyzing the homescreen UI

Send money through contact

Entering into receiptant chat

Payment screen

Select bank account

Enter UPI pin

Payment successful

Pay through phone number

Pay through UPI

Scale of irritation




Scale of irritation




Scale of irritation




Ramesh’s point of view

Fear of going wrong

Overwhelming options

Ramesh’s point of view

Unsure of clicking on the right step

Sending payment to the right person

Fear of getting scammed

Choosing the right bank account

Ramesh’s point of view

Ramesh’s point of view

Check transaction history after the payment

Ramesh’s point of view

Difficulty in identifying the correct contact number

The goal is for seniors to make a payment with ease

Cognitive overload leading to decision fatigue and increased task completion time.

Cognitive overload leading to decision fatigue and increased task completion time.

The target button size is smaller causing it difficult to differentiate between different buttons

Cluttered interface distracts users leading to decreased focus and increased task completion time.

Excessive amount of contacts displayed at one go in the pov of a senior citizen

Reduced dexterity leading to potential errors

Implement visual hierarchy techniques to highlight contact information.

Reduced dexterity leading to potential errors

Exposure to multiple buttons related to theme of the screen without a title might cause confusion regarding its functionality

Reduced dexterity leading to potential errors

Excessive Options

Excessive Options

Lack of visual hierarchy

Target Button Size

Small button, font size

Lack of Contact Information Visibility

Small font size

Lack of Information

Small target button

Misleading options

Choosing the right bank account

Unnecessary feature

Small Font Size

Third priority feature

Contact Display

The kebab menu is misleading

Unnecessary suggestions

Scale of irritation




Scale of irritation




I did it. Despite your tricks, I managed to make the payment.

I'll be ready for whatever you throw at me. And I'll keep finding ways to make things better.

You may have won this battle, Mr. Ramesh, but the war is far from over.

Remember, Mr. Ramesh, every problem you overcome, you grow stronger.

Exhales 😮‍💨

Starting to fade 😧

Barely audible ☠️

Mr. Ramesh finally completing the transaction and receiving a confirmation message


Prominent focus on ‘visibility of system status’ to keep the seniors updated at every step they perform

After analyzing the existing screens we got a few problem areas to help every senior

Key problems identified

Fear of going wrong

Overwhelming options

Struggle to conquer their fear of the unknown

Reducing cognitive load

Small button, font size

Sending payment to the right person

Difficulty in identifying the correct contact number

What the user has to achieve?

What was the Final Problem statement ?

Improving the Digital Payment Experience of Elderly

Why did we decide to develop a version of Google Pay tailored for the elderly? Because.....

The choice was quite evident, and our decision was reinforced by the insights gathered from interviews. It came to our attention that a significant number of senior citizens are already accustomed to using apps like G-Pay and Paytm. These platforms instill a sense of trust among them, especially considering their widespread use among a larger audience.

"Through meticulous consideration, my design addresses the core issues raised in these 4 questions."

How do we add a sense of trust to make it inclusive?

How do we improve the accessibility of the app ?

How do we make the app less overwhelming?

How do we ease the payment process?

Check Balance

-Knowing the available balance is crucial for users like Ramesh managing a shop.

-Displaying the balance is a basic feature but might require some UI adjustments for clarity.

Simplified Payment

Streamline the payment process for a more straightforward user experience.

Large Text and Icons: Increase the size of text and icons for better visibility, especially for elderly users.

Change in Color Scheme:

-Aesthetic changes might not significantly impact user experience.

- Simple adjustments to the color scheme require minimal development effort.

-Small textual changes that don't alter functionality significantly.

-Editing text typically involves minimal development effort.

Implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) Features:

-While AR is innovative, its impact might be limited in the context of a stationery shop.

-Integrating AR features involves complex development and might not significantly enhance the user experience.

Tutorial: Provide an interactive tutorial to guide users through various features.

Send money

Let’s prioritize fetures according to Ramesh’s needs by using Impact- Effort matrix





High impact/ Low effort

Low impact/ Low effort

High impact/ High effort

Low impact/ High effort

Minimalist Home Screen: Allow customization of the home screen to display only essential features.

Customizable Quick Actions: Allow users to personalize quick action buttons for features they use most frequently.

Voice Commands: Introduce voice commands for essential functions, enhancing accessibility.

Virtual Shop Assistant: Implement a chatbot that assists users with common queries related to the shop and transactions.

Smart Reminders: Implement an intelligent reminder system for stock management in the shop.

Voice-Assisted Reporting: Enable users to request sales reports and summaries using voice commands.

QR code scanning

-They should learn about how use scanning mechanism

Social Integration: Enable easy collection of feedback from customers via integrated social media channels.

Recreating GPay for Ramesh


This battle between Ramesh kaka and google pay carried on for a long time.


But this should stop somewhere! ⚠️

Reconstructing GPay for Mr. Ramesh

Now, let's introduce Mr. Ramesh to his trusted companion.


Introducing Google Pay

Tailored for elderly users like Mr. Ramesh. It's designed for simplicity and ease in digital payments, ensuring a comfortable and accessible experience for all.


And now, a helper from the world of technology has arrived to assist Mr. Ramesh. 😎

Let's see how we can help Mr. Ramesh tackle the problems he faced while using G-Pay for payments. 😎

Implement age-based redirection within the Google Pay app. Users aged 50 and above will be automatically directed to a specially designed "senior version" tailored to their specific needs and preferences.

Choose preferred language & add bank account

They have the flexibility to choose your preferred language, and Google Pay offers a variety of options to accommodate their needs.

How might we improve the onboarding by making them feel inclusive?

Onboarding on GPay & Choose your age

Switch the mode

Welcome to Google Pay,

While onboarding every user of Google Pay will have choice to select his age before entering into the application



Splash screens

We created a special startup screen to help users learn about the app's new features and how to use it.They are as following:

Welcome screen

Easy-to-Read Interface

Voice-Guided Setup

Step-by-Step Tutorials




How do we make the app less overwhelming?

Splash cards to make them feel inclusive and build a trust

Home screen




Unlock a new world of possibilities. Learn to scan QR codes

Click here

Learn and grow. Access helpful tutorials and guides.

Click here

Bank-level security to safeguard your transactions.

Your safety is our top priority.

Click here

How do we send payment with ease

Pay with number

Pay with UPI

Send money to contacts: This option utilizes the user's existing contact list for convenient payment initiation.

Send money to number: This option allows for payments to individuals using only their phone number, eliminating the need for contact information.

Send money through UPI ID: This option leverages the UPI ID system for fast and efficient payments, catering to users who prefer this payment method.

Changed the iconography from kebab to question

Entering amount

View transaction detail

Entering UPI pin

We've improved the process of entering the amount with voice commands for clarity. Additionally, we've enhanced the user interface by displaying larger profile pictures, names, and contact numbers, making it easier to identify the recipient when sending money.

After completing the payment, we've added an option for users to easily check their transaction history. This is especially helpful for senior citizens who often like to see how much money they have left after making a payment.

User empowerment






Narrative Arch





Mr. Ramesh struggling with Google pay

Mr. Ramesh GPay user







Reduced engagement due to vision challenges,

frustration and disinterest in typing,

potential app avoidance, hesitation in using similar names

Choose age, verify phone in two steps with Google Pay Senior.

Larger fonts, voice guidance, and smooth navigation for confident transactions.

Google Pay Senior makes checking transaction history a breeze.



Users begin with Google Pay Senior, selecting age and swiftly verifying numbers in two steps for an inclusive start.

Explore the revamped app with larger fonts and voice guidance. Engage in transactions with UPI flexibility, boosting user confidence.

Google Pay Senior simplifies history checks, offering a quick and hassle-free method. This enhances transparency and reinforces trust in digital transactions.

Now, Ramesh finds it much easier with Google Pay Senior. He started by choosing his age and quickly verifying his phone in just two steps. The app is better with bigger letters and helpful voice guidance. Doing transactions and checking history is now effortless for Ramesh. Thanks to Google Pay Senior, reviewing his money activities is quick and simple, making him trust digital transactions more.


Inciting Incident


Plot point 2

Plot point 1


"Now, folks like Ramesh will find it much easier to manage digital transactions with "



Things I learnt

-How stories play an essential role in deriving problem as a UX researcher
-Behind every product, there's a unique story that holds its essence and meaning.
-Gained a deeper understanding of the user’s experiences and pain points, which can inform the

design and development of user-friendly solutions.
-It allows for a more holistic perspective on the product's purpose and how it fits into users' lives.
-When we gather stories from people, it's really important for us designers to imagine ourselves

in their situation so we can understand exactly what they're going through.

In the era of Digital India

no one should be left behind


Use Google Pay!



Let’s collaborate together!

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